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London impressions

Februar ist London time für die Abiturklassen am WGB. Hier einige Eindrücke der rundum gelungenen Studienfahrt 2016 der GY3G und Gy3T.





Even in winter London is a very attractive city because of its mixture of historical and modern architecture.

There is so much to see in the city of London, you need more than 24 hours in a day!

London is always worth visiting, the museums are incredibly interesting and the atmosphere guarantees a nice experience.

London is quite a beautiful city with very friendly and very different people. The museums, especially the National Gallery, are very impressive.


London is a city where history, modern culture, art and money mix in the most fascinating way.

files/wgb/Nachrichten/News-Bilder2016/London_2016-GyG-GyT/London-16_7.jpgLondon is a city of unique history, architecture and people.

London is a very musical city, you find a lot of street musicians there.

It is a town full of very friendly, interesting and helpful people.

London is a very beautiful city, especially by night.

If you want to see all of London, you need a great amount of energy.

London has got a historic atmosphere.


London is a beautiful city with its skyline and the river Thamse.

You can visit London several times and you will always discover interesting places and beautiful buildings.

London is a very interesting city with a lot of different facets.

For people who love art, London is the perfect city.

London is a very unique and interesting city which is definitely worth a visit if you ever have the chance. Even just the museums there are great enough to warrant going there someday.

London is a real business city, but still full of art and diversity.files/wgb/Nachrichten/News-Bilder2016/London_2016-GyG-GyT/London-16_6.jpg


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